How To: Create & Edit Support
There are 2 types of supporting items available in RecHound:
1. Transaction Support
Adding transactions to your support
Open your transaction listing from within your reconciliation, or select the "Add Transaction Support" button. Both go to the same place
Select the transactions that you wish to create support for by checking the boxes for each line
When you have the amount that you wish to create support for, select the "Create Support" button. Create a description for this support, and hit "save". You can also add the transactions to an existing supporting item by selecting the "Add to Existing Support" button.
Once the support is generated, the newly created supporting item will appear in the "Support" section of your reconciliation page. You will also notice that the account will become "Reconciled" as shown in green when the total of the support section matches the ledger balance.
Transactions that appear in your support will not appear by default the next time you open your transaction listing for this account
Removing transactions from your support
You can remove supporting transactions by selecting the "view transactions" link within your support
This opens the "Support" tab from within your transaction listing, and opens up the selected supporting item. From here, select the items you wish to remove, and select the "Remove" button​
You can also delete an entire supporting item by hovering over the item and pressing the "Delete" icon
Adding/Editing Attachments:
You can add an attachment to support your transaction balance - do this by first selecting the edit button
From there, select the "Choose File" button. You can also edit the description from within this field.
You can replace a file that you have previously uploaded by selecting the "Replace" icon
When complete, press the green tick to the right hand side. To cancel your edits, press the red cross.
2. Manual Support
Adding Manual Supporting Items
Select the "Add Manaul Support" button to add your first manual supporting item
Enter the Description, amount (+ for debits, - for credits), and add an attachment if required. Once you're fiinished, press the green tick on the right hand side
Once the support is generated, the newly created supporting item will appear in the "Support" section of your reconciliation page. You will also notice that the account will become "Reconciled" as shown in green when the total of the support section matches the ledger balance.
Deleting & Editing Support:
You can delete your support by hovering over the item you wish to delete and pressing the "Delete" icon
You can edit your manual supporting items by hovering over the item you wish to edit, and pressing the "Edit" icon